Youth@First - First Presbyterian Church
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YOUTH@FIRST is FPC’s youth ministry for 6th – 12th grades.

Sunday Gatherings

Youth activities resume Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023.
All are Welcome!

Youth@First is FPC’s youth ministry for 6th-12th graders. We meet every Sunday Morning after the service during the education hour (11-11:45am). We focus on asking big questions, serving our community, playing fun games and eating tasty snacks.

Special Events

In addition to our Sunday gatherings, youth get together for coffee, small groups, and to support one another at extra-curricular events. Weekly gatherings, service projects and annual weekend-getaways (retreats), allow the youth and adult volunteers of FPC to create safe spaces to nurture faith, create community and seek to be the body of Christ in the world.

All are welcome!